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Terms & Conditions





These are the terms and conditions on which At Last Weddings supplies wedding planning services.

Please read these terms carefully and note that we will be unable to finalize your booking without your explicit agreement to our Terms and conditions.

Therefore, if you have any questions, you should ensure you seek clarification before entering a contract with us.




Isabel Raposo, Sole Trader, trading as At Last Weddings. Registered Address: Flat 3, 1 Harlyn Drive, Pinner HA5 2DF.


You can contact us by email, contact number 07831541033 or by writing to us.




The Wedding Planner: Isabel Raposo, trading as At Last Weddings (also referred to as ‘us’, ‘we’ or ‘parties’ ).


Client: the person who books the services of At Last Weddings (also referred to as ‘you’)


Force Majeure: acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond the reasonable control of the Wedding Planner, including (without limitation) strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving the workforce of the Wedding Planner or any other party), failure of a utility service or transport network, act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, pandemic, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm or default of suppliers or subcontractors.


Services: Wedding planning and coordination services.


Invoice: the document written by At Last Weddings relating to a sale transaction and indicating the products and agreed-upon prices for products or services the seller will provide the buyer. Payment terms are usually stated on the invoice.


At Last Weddings fees: The amount of money required for the provision of services as detailed in the invoice.





3.1) At Last Weddings will perform the Services bellow mentioned on this agreement.

3.2) We can, on your behalf, negotiate contracts with third party suppliers for your event and will take reasonable care in the selection of and negotiation with such third parties.

All contracts negotiated in this way will be entered into between you and the individual third-party suppliers. This ensures you have a direct contractual relationship with all your suppliers. It is your responsibility, not that of At Last Weddings to ensure you are aware of and comply with all the Terms and Conditions of individual third-party suppliers.

3.3) We will not be liable for any non-observance by you of any third-party supplier contract terms.

3.4) Third party contracts, and the performance of these suppliers, is beyond the control of At Last Weddings. Whilst we will do everything, we can rectify any problems that may arise we cannot accept responsibility for the unsatisfactory performance of a third-party supplier or a no show.

3.5) We will attend your wedding/event to over-see the coordination of the planned events depending on the chosen wedding package.

3.6) At Last Weddings does not purchase goods or services on your behalf. If the client makes such a request we may, at our discretion, agree to make such a purchase

3.7) Our wedding packages do not include the services to clear and clean the venue. Due to health and safety and for insurance purposes we are unfortunately not allowed to handle any food/drinks.




4.1) At Last Weddings will require and hold only the minimum amount of personal data from you in respect of your event and for accounting purposes. You agree that At Last Weddings may give your personal data to potential suppliers where appropriate. We will not be held responsible for the way in which these suppliers store and use your personal data.

4.2) We will be as discreet about your event arrangements as is reasonably possible.

You accept that total secrecy is impossible given the need for us to contact potential suppliers and make arrangement on your behalf.

4.3) We reserve the right to use photographs of your event for our professional portfolio and website. We will, however, obtain your prior approval before publishing photographs of yourselves on our social media channels and website.



5.1) Invoices submitted by At Last Weddings to the client, must be paid in full in accordance with the terms set out on the invoice.

5.2) Minimum booking fee required to secure the event date - £200.00. We will hold your provisional booking for 24 hours. If we have not received Confirmation of your booking and your required deposit/payment within this time, we reserve the right to release your requested date.

If due to extenuating circumstances you are unable to meet this time frame, please contact us as soon as possible. With prior arrangement and at the absolute discretion of At Last Weddings, we may be able to extend your provisional booking for a limited time to enable you to meet our booking requirements.

5.3) At Last Weddings accepts payment instalments which are tailored on a case-by-case basis.

5.4) The total balance due of any booking is due 3 months before the wedding date.

5.5) If your wedding is less than 3 months after your booking date, a full payment will be required to secure your booking.

5.6) If the Client does not pay At Last Weddings on the invoice due date, we may:

  • withdraw the supply of all Services until payment has been made in full and may charge a late payment fee of £15.00.

  • require payment of all future sums due under this agreement as a condition of the recommencement of Services.

5.7) For weddings/events in Surrey, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Hampshire our packages have already included travel and accommodation fees.

5.8) For UK Weddings outside of our service area, that we are required to travel to visit your venue and/or to provide our “Premium” or “On The Day” Package, a reasonable fee of £100.00 per night will incur for accommodation. Fuel charges will be charged on a case-by-case basis.

5.9) For Destination Weddings we charge a reasonable fee of £100.00 per night. Transport fees (drive or fly) will be evaluated and charged on a case-by-case basis.

5.10 Different charges may apply for two-day celebration weddings and will be evaluated and charged on a case-by-case basis.

5.11) We do not accept credit cards or cash for wedding payments.



6.1) It is the client’s responsibility to arrange all civil and/or religious requirements for your wedding and to give notice.

We shall not be liable for any loss arising as a result of your failing to obtain any statutory or religious documentation, which results in the cancellation or delay of your wedding.

6.2) You agree to co-operate fully with us and to make yourself available for all necessary decision-making concerning the planning of your wedding/event.

6.3) You are responsible for notifying us of any special considerations or conditions applicable to you or your guests who will be attending the wedding.

6.4) It’s the client responsibilities to vet all wedding suppliers and make sure they are the right fit for their needs and wedding/event. You must ensure that all suppliers are in possession of a Public Liability Insurance document and will provide complete Risk Assessments.

6.5) We strongly recommend that you consider appropriate event/wedding insurance before making booking arrangements with any supplier, to provide you with cover in the event of cancellation due to circumstances beyond your control and unforeseen circumstances.


6.6) We strongly encourage couples to have a contingency fund to cover last minute unexpected costs such as (extra make up/hair trial, needing a new wedding supplier, dress alterations, etc) to prevent cutbacks and stress.


7. Zero Tolerance Policy.


7.1) We have a zero-tolerance approach to any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against At Last Weddings or any other wedding suppliers involved in the wedding planning. The following is a non-exhaustive list of types and examples of behaviour are unacceptable and may result in the termination of our services.

  • Using violent, threatening, or abusive language or behaviors towards us or any suppliers involved in the wedding planning.

  • Any attempted or actual physical violence towards us or any suppliers involved

  • Any attempted or actual damage to any At Last Weddings/Venue/Wedding Supplier property and/or equipment, and/or any personal property or belongings of At Last Weddings

  • Verbal abuse or intimidation of staff in any form whether in person or over the phone

  • Making racial, sexual or any other kind of discriminatory remarks, implications or gestures

  • Making malicious allegations about our staff or other clients, whether in person or online

  • Non-compliance with our health and safety requirements


8.1) At Last Weddings will work closely with the client considering the client’s preferences, style, vision and planning needs providing wedding planning and coordination services to the best of their ability and knowledge.
8.2) At Last Weddings agrees to exercise reasonable care and skill in any event planning services by doing and following Risk Assessments.

8.3) At Last Weddings will hold public liability insurance coverage, including property damage, and personal liability insurance, with limits deemed reasonable and customary for event planning services.

8.4) At Last Weddings agrees to keep all confidential information strictly confidential and not to disclose, directly or indirectly, any personal information to any third party without the express written consent of the disclosing party.




While our approach will always be to assist as much as possible and to help minimize any cancellation charges, we reserve the right to cover costs for services already provided (including event planning) and to recover any loss of profit.

9.1) If you request a change of date at least 3 months before your wedding, we will be happy to offer new dates (subject to availability) and credit any advance payments towards a new booking.

9.2) Please note that we reserve the right to charge a £100 administrative fee for any date change and if your new booking date is priced higher than your original booking date, you will be required to pay the difference in cost.

9.3) If your new booking date is priced lower than your original booking, you will not be eligible for a partial refund or credit on your wedding package.

9.4) If you request a change of date within 3 months of your wedding date, we reserve the right to retain up to 100% of the total value of your wedding package to recover any loss of profit incurred.

We will attempt to re-book your date on your behalf and if we receive another booking we may, at the absolute discretion of At Last Weddings, agree to reduce your cancellation charges. However, we cannot guarantee to do so. If you cancel your wedding all advance payments will be non-refundable and non-transferable.

9.5) In the event that At Last Weddings needs to cancel a wedding/event due to unforeseen circumstances, they will return all deposits., less any expenses already incurred.At Last Weddings will work with the Client to ensure they have access to any services or products where an expense has been incurred. Alternatively, and upon availability, if the customer prefers At Last Weddings can provide a trusted and suitable replacement.

9.6) The Client understands that At Last Weddings may terminate this agreement at any time if the Client fails to pay for the Services provided under this Agreement or if the Client breaches any other material provision listed in this terms & conditions.

The client agrees to pay any outstanding balances within 7 days of termination.

9.7) Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performance under this contract caused by circumstances beyond their reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of nature, war, terrorism, government regulations, or other force majeure events.

In such circumstances, both parties shall work together in good faith to mitigate any resulting damages or disruptions.

9.8) At Last Weddings reserves the right to terminate this service agreement with immediate effect if there’s a breach of our zero-tolerance policy, in which case the customer won’t be entitled to any compensation or refund for the services already provided and At Last Wedding reserves the right to recover any loss of profits and terminate the contract with immediate effect.

9.9) Cancellations due to exceptional circumstances, will be handled as a case-by-case basis. It will then be agreed by the client and At Last Weddings, as to the appropriate outcome.




10.1) The customer reserves the right to cancel this agreement during their 14 days cooling-off period without prejudice.

Your cooling-off period begins the day after you signed this agreement or the day after you agreed to our terms & conditions by purchasing one of our online services. We reserve the right to cover costs for services already provided including administrative fees and recover any loss of profit.




11.1) In the event of a dispute arising out of this Contract that cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the Parties agree to engage in mediation. If the matter cannot be resolved through mediation, and legal action ensues, the successful party will be entitled to the legal fees, including, but not limited to solicitors’ fees and any costs incurred.

11.2) Governing Law - If the Parties are based in a different County and/or Countries, this Agreement shall be governed by United Kingdom law.




12.1) The event planner shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, injuries or issues arising from the actions or omissions of third-party vendors, suppliers, or other parties not directly under the control of At Last Weddings.

12.2) The client agrees to assume responsibility for any damages, losses, or injuries caused by the client, their guests, or any other individuals attending the event.

The client shall indemnify and hold the event planner harmless from any claims, liabilities, costs, or expenses arising from such damages, losses, or injuries.




13.1) Both parties agree to all terms and conditions above and will, to their best abilities, fulfil all aspects of this terms and conditions. Please note that by purchasing services through our website you automatically accept this terms and conditions, if you don't agree to these terms, please do not use our online booking system.

13.2) These terms and conditions constitute a contract between you and At Last Weddings and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements representation and contracts regarding the subject matter. When you’re accessing the website, creating an online account, or purchasing services indicates you understand, agree and accept these full Terms and Conditions.

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